Diamonds and Dogs


Micron (MU) rose a percent as Deutsche Bank is calling a bottom in the chip market. The analyst raised his price target to $85 a share seeing improving demand for chips, excessive inventory levels coming down with the worst of the downcycle behind us.

The strike continues as Stellantis, Ford and General Motors fell as the UAW rejects the offer from Stellantis, according to Bloomberg. The UAW President Shawn Fain rejected Stellantis' offer of a 21% pay increase, in an interview on CBS' Face the Nation Sunday. The Jeep maker made its offer public Saturday, but Fain said it was "definitely a no go."

Diamonds and Dogs market commentary is a journal of daily observations on anything that happens to be of interest to our author. Obviously, our primary focus is the stock market and world economic events, but for this page we have no defined topics. We want this page to be dedicated to the interests, concerns, and possibly to the financial gain of our clients and friends. All comments contained herein are for informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a solicitation to buy or sell any security. The firm does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information or make any warranties regarding results from it's usage.