Diamonds and Dogs

Dark Pools
Dark PoolsHigh frequency trading and dark pools have been dominating the exchanges for several years now and the machine finally took over the humans as the market collapsed at the hand of computers yesterday. With at least 75% of the trades now done through algorithmic, computer generated trading systems, dreamed up by guys we used to beat up at the playground, we are now held captive to markets that have a mind of their own. As Thursday's debacle will attest, sometimes the human touch can help us all avoid a mountain of pain. Maybe it is time to once again follow the lead of the Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffet and remember that investors invest into real companies that have real profits that reward shareholders via reinvesting those profits or by paying cash dividends. The price of the stock really doesn't matter to the investor, unless he/she needs to sell for some reason. Turn off the TV and the computers and begin to make your shopping list of great companies that can be purchased on sale the next time the geeks let things get out of hand.
Diamonds and Dogs market commentary is a journal of daily observations on anything that happens to be of interest to our author. Obviously, our primary focus is the stock market and world economic events, but for this page we have no defined topics. We want this page to be dedicated to the interests, concerns, and possibly to the financial gain of our clients and friends. All comments contained herein are for informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a solicitation to buy or sell any security. The firm does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information or make any warranties regarding results from it's usage.